Speedybag 300 EVO and 500 EVO

Semplicity of use, no change of format, bags till 500 mm of width.
Incomparable versatility and ergonomics.

Speedybag EVO produced since 1984 and constantly modernized and improved over  the years, is the best solution for all kind of applications about bagging that require rapidity in format changing, without having to disassemble parts or modify details. The bag filling can be carried manually or automatically.

Practicality and maximum functionality
It’s sufficient to charge the tubular film reel, regulate the opening mouth and start the machine cycle.
It uses all kind of films neutral or printed, with antistatic treatment whether polyethylene tubular with a thickness from 0,06 to 0,13 mm or polypropylene tubular with a thickness from 0,03 to 0,05 mm.

Touch Screen control display
All work’s settings  and production parameters are easily programmable with a digital display touch screen positioned on machine’s board. The choice of language and the ease of use make the selection of values faster and precise.
Furthermore, the system allows to save different work’s configurations for an immediate access to each order.

Possibility of automation with different devices.

Packaging Machines

Standard Machines

Contact us for an immediate quote

One of our staff will contact you as soon as possible.

ICMAT Automation Srl

Via Bruno Buozzi, 12/D
10098 Rivoli (TO)  Italy

VAT Number 07652490017
REA registration number: TO-9112019 – Soc. Capital Euro: 10,500.00 I.V.

Cell. +39 3351338870
Tel.: +39 011 19031308
Tel. 2: +39 011 19031305
Fax: +39 011 9567837
Email: info@icmat.com
Web: www.icmat.com